The Complete Guide 2025 For Canadian Suppliers
We Are SAGE® At SAGE, we strive to be more than just a service provider – we are the leading provider of research and business management tools for the promotional products industry. We are committed to providing the best services and solutions to distributors and suppliers in the industry. To our clients, we are trusted business advisors and dedicated problem solvers. We take pride in our extensive range of services because we believe in supporting our clients in not just one area, but in all their endeavors.
We’re Here For You. Your success is our goal. That’s why we’re constantly improving our products and services to meet the needs of promotional product suppliers like you. The more you take advantage of SAGE, the more successful you can be. TABLE OF CONTENTS distributor users... more than Last year, WHY CHOOSE SAGE? and performed over 224 million searches in SAGE services. Do we have your attention now? spent over hours... 12 million 45,000 including nearly based in Canada... 1,200 2 Introduction To SAGE 3 SAGE Advantage Membership 5 SAGE Supplier Center 6 SAGE Connect 7 SAGE Decorator Listing ADVERTISE IN SAGE 8 Front Page Banner Ads 9 Front Page Featured Products 10 Front Page Supplier Spotlight 11 Search Results Featured Products 12 Keyword Ads 13 Category Banner Ads 14 Brand Power Ads 15 SAGE Distributor e-Newsletter Ads 16 SAGE Blog Ads 17 SAGE Monthly Specials Email 18 Hot Products Email 19 SAGE Customer Update e-Newsletter 20 SAGE Stats in 60 Seconds Email 21 SAGE Monthly Trends Ads 23 SAGE Email Campaigns 24 Distributor Website Sponsored Products 25 Ready-To-Go Catalog 26 SAGE Flip Catalog SAGE WEBSITES 27 Website Services 29 SAGE Virtual Design Studio LEAD RETRIEVAL 30 SAGE ShowLink 1 2
GET IN FRONT OF ALL SAGE, PPAI, AND PPPC MEMBERS The SAGE Advantage Membership is an excellent way for you to increase your visibility in the promotional products industry! You have the potential to reach over 45,000 distributor users, including all SAGE, PPAI and PPPC members. Your products will be seen in SAGE Online, SAGE Mobile, and SAGE Web - and will even be able to reach end buyers on distributor websites! TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR INFORMATION SAGE offers multiple ways to get your product information into our database and keep it up-to-date. From our API, SAGE Supplier Direct Connect, to bulk product updates and the SAGE Supplier Center, choose the option best for your company. VERIFY YOUR PRODUCTS AND PRICING Few things are more frustrating to a promotional products distributor than placing an order and later finding out the product information was inaccurate. Make sure your products are marked Verified by Supplier to keep your customers happy. ADD YOUR SAGE NUMBER TO YOUR MARKETING MATERIALS Your SAGE number is your seal of approval in the promotional products industry and lets distributors know they can find you in SAGE. Download SAGE logos from and add them to your website, catalog, email signature, and marketing materials. COMMUNICATE WITH CUSTOMERS ON SAGE CHAT Customers will be raving about your stellar customer service and instant responses to their questions when you use our instant messaging system, SAGE Chat, to communicate quickly with them. GROW YOUR BUSINESS WITH A SAGE ADVANTAGE MEMBERSHIPTM PRICING $154 monthly or $1,545 yearly CAD includes SAGE Advantage Membership and PPPC Membership ADD PRODUCT SPECIALS AND RESOURCES Add product resources, such as marketing flyers, URLs, videos, and more to differentiate your products from the competition! You can also set up specials as often as you want to promote your latest deals. BUILD BRAND RECOGNITION AND INCREASE SALES We know a winning marketing plan isn’t just made up of one-size-fits-all opportunities. Contact your SAGE Account Advisor to create a custom marketing plan to increase your brand’s exposure. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS View your statistics in the SAGE Supplier Center to see what's working. You can see how many views and clicks your ads get, how many times your products were searched for, and view which products are your most popular. CONNECT WITH THE INDUSTRY Connect and collaborate with industry suppliers and distributors in the SAGE Community. Start a thread or jump in on the discussion. SCAN TO LEARN MORE 3 4
Over 91% of current products have been verified. Distributors often filter their search results to show only verified products so it is imperative to verify your products so you don't get left out of distributors' search results. SAGE Connect allows you to provide real-time inventory and order status, giving your clients an accurate count of your products and updates on their orders, and improving your ordering process from beginning to end. SAGE SUPPLIER CENTER SAGE Connect is a full-featured API that syncs your back-end systems with the SAGE database, therefore automatically updating your product information, inventory levels, order tracking information, and more in SAGE when you update your back-end system. BENEFITS • Provide real-time order status so distributors know where their orders are every step of the way • Integrate your inventory levels with the SAGE database to provide real-time inventory information • Product data and pricing update automatically in the SAGE database when you update your product information in your own system • Easily download all of your product data • Verify contact information with the SAGE distributor database in order to confirm the authenticity of a promotional products distributor • Download your order data from distributors who submitted orders via the SAGE order management system • Process credit card sales with SAGE Payment Processing and automatically submit transactions from your system PRICING Included with your SAGE Advantage Membership SAGE CONNECT With your SAGE Advantage Membership, you will receive the back-end management tool, SAGE Supplier Center. With the SAGE Supplier Center, you can: • View, add, edit, and verify your product information, pricing, and special offers in real time • Manage your SAGE Total Access and SAGE Website advertisements • View product and advertising impressions and statistics • View order history • Search for distributor information • Comment back to distributors' ratings • Connect with distributors and suppliers in the SAGE Community SCAN TO LEARN MORE 5 6
By listing your special decorating services, over 45,000 distributors can find you for their decorating needs! LIST YOUR SERVICES • 4 Color Process • Acid Etching • Debossing • Die Striking • Direct to Film • Direct to Garment • Embossing • Embroidery • Engraving • Etching • Flexography • Full Color Digital • Heat Transfers • Hot/Foil Stamping • Laser Engraving • Laser Etching • Lithography • Offset Printing • Pad Printing • Sandblasting • Screen Printing • Special Effect Printing • Sublimation • UV Direct to Film Get in front of more than 45,000 distributor users each month for less than $0.01 per impression. PRICING $25 CAD per month or $255 CAD per year Make sure your special services are available to over 45,000 distributors who are already looking for you! By listing your company, you will be searchable in the Decorator Search area of SAGE Online, SAGE Web, and SAGE Mobile, making it easy for distributors to find you for screen printing, embroidery, engraving, sublimation, and over 20 decorating services. Distributors can search by city, state/province, zip/postal code and country to better locate a decorator near them. This listing is a great opportunity to bring in more business for your special services! And, the affordable cost of the listing will usually pay for itself in just one order! SAGE DECORATOR LISTING Advertise With SAGE FRONT PAGE BANNER ADS PRICING $2,450 USD per month Contact your SAGE Account Advisor for availability. BENEFITS • Limited availability each month • Change your ad anytime in the SAGE Supplier Center • Your ad links to your profile, products, up to three resources, and enables customer contact via SAGE Chat or email • Track your ad's success with statistical data on views and clicks Maximize brand recognition with over 45,000 distributor users by placing your advertisement on the front page of SAGE Online and SAGE Web. Every distributor logging in will see your ad, boosting brand recognition even if they don't click on it. SAGE Online SAGE Web SCAN FOR SPECS & DEADLINES 7 8
Weekday Front Page Featured Products receive an average of 24,000 impressions per day. SAGE Mobile Spotlight your company and message on the front page of SAGE Online and SAGE Web to push your initiatives and build your brand recognition with distributor users logging in each day! TOTAL ACCESS FRONT PAGE FEATURED PRODUCTS PRICING $550 USD/day weekday $100 USD/weekend Reserve up to a year in advance. Contact your SAGE Account Advisor for availability. FRONT PAGE SUPPLIER SPOTLIGHT BENEFITS • The first products seen by distributors upon login • Only six products per day rotating through SAGE Online, SAGE Web, and SAGE Mobile • No artwork creation required - product information and image pulled from SAGE database • Track real-time ad views and clicks in the SAGE Supplier Center • Add tagline, message, or logo to featured product Reach 45,000+ distributors by featuring your product on the front page of SAGE Online, SAGE Web, and SAGE Mobile. Increase industry visibility, attract more traffic, and promote new products or specials. Get featured on the front page of SAGE Online and SAGE Web, reaching over 45,000 distributor users. This exclusive ad will appear each time they log in, allowing you to showcase your company and message. Promote new products, specials, and videos, or increase brand recognition. Grab the attention of distributors and stay on top of their radar! BENEFITS • Add your logo or custom image to be viewed by thousands of distributors when they log in • Customize your ad with text, a tagline, and a logo or image • Your ad links to your profile, products, and up to three resources which helps increase engagement • Track real-time ad views and clicks in the SAGE Supplier Center • Easily change messages or add multiple spotlights through SAGE Supplier Center • Adjust your monthly budget anytime to maximize your exposure SAGE Web SAGE Online PRICING 5 cents USD per impression 9 10
With Search Results Featured Products and Keyword advertising, you can set your own monthly budget. SAGE Online SAGE Web Low Minimums, High Quality, "A" Rated Quality Headwear at Unbeatable Prices! Featured products are highlighted to stand out on the search results page so you can make sure your products are seen! SEARCH RESULTS FEATURED PRODUCTS PRICING 9 cents USD per impression KEYWORD ADS PRICING 7 cents USD per impression Highlight your products and receive maximum exposure in both SAGE Online and SAGE Web with Search Results Featured Products. A product search can sometimes return thousands of items. With Search Results Featured Products, your products will be emphasized to stand out from the crowd! BENEFITS • Only pay when your featured product is viewed • No artwork creation required - product information and image pulled from SAGE database • Complete view and click statistics in the SAGE Supplier Center • Set budget (max spend per month) on a company and/or product-by-product level • Change products or budget as often as desired in the SAGE Supplier Center • Featured product highlighted in yellow in search results Take control of your advertising and budget with Keyword Ads. Reach interested distributors directly in SAGE Online and SAGE Web. When a distributor searches for your keywords, your ad appears next to the results. BENEFITS • Targeted advertising by product keyword • Only pay when your ad is shown • Enter up to 25 keywords and/or phrases per ad • Your ad links to your profile, products, up to three resources, and enables customer contact via SAGE Chat or email • Change ad as often as desired in the SAGE Supplier Center • Complete control of your budget and keywords through the SAGE Supplier Center • Track real-time ad views and clicks in the SAGE Supplier Center • Two keyword ad style options available SAGE Online SAGE Web 11 12
SAGE Online SAGE Web Brand Power Ads receive an average of 1,670 impressions per month. SAGE Online: Search Screen SAGE Online: Product Screen CATEGORY BANNER ADS PRICING Price varies based on popularity of product category. Contact your SAGE Account Advisor for more information. BRAND POWER ADS PRICING $50 USD per month or $500 USD per year SAGE Category Ads are a cost-effective way to build brand recognition and target market by product category. BENEFITS • Change ad as often as desired through SAGE Supplier Center • Your ad links to your profile, products, up to three resources, and enables customer contact via SAGE Chat or email • Track real-time ad views and clicks in the SAGE Supplier Center • First right of refusal at renewal time (waiting list available) • Only two category ad positions available per product category SAGE Brand Power Ads are displayed on the product search, supplier search, and specials search pages in SAGE Online and SAGE Web. Also, if a distributor searches specifically for your products, your brand power ad will appear to brand all of your product pages. BENEFITS • Promote name recognition, new products, and/ or specials • Change the ad as often as desired through the SAGE Supplier Center • Your ad links to your profile, products, up to three resources, and enables customer contact via SAGE Chat or email • Track real-time ad views and clicks in the SAGE Supplier Center 13 14
SAGE DISTRIBUTOR E-NEWSLETTER ADS SAGE Distributor e-Newsletters are sent to over 39,000 distributors and salespeople. The SAGE Blog is viewed an average of 7,250 times per month. The SAGE Distributor e-Newsletter is a quarterly publication filled with industry news and events, FAQs, marketing tips and ideas, industry trends, and product information. It is the perfect way to reach your target audience as a piece of your comprehensive marketing strategy. BENEFITS • Circulation of over 39,000 SAGE distributor users every quarter • Links to website of your choice • Visible in SAGE Online, SAGE Web, and SAGE Mobile for three months PRICING Banner Ad $2,000 USD per quarter This large ad across the top of the newsletter is an exclusive opportunity with only one available per quarter. Tile Ads $1,000 USD per quarter These ads are distributed throughout the newsletter and get readers' attention as they scroll through the e-newsletter (two available per quarter). New Supplier Spotlight $400 USD per quarter New suppliers in the SAGE database can promote themselves to SAGE distributor users. Includes your logo, short message, and link to your website. Limited availability. Contact your SAGE Account Advisor for more information. Take advantage of this opportunity to present your message to an engaged audience on the distributor resources page and the SAGE Blog. Distributors visit the resources page and the SAGE Blog throughout the month to stay up-to-date on the latest webinars, blog posts, podcast episodes, and more. Plus, the resources page content and blogs are shared across social media, a number of industry publications, and monthly SAGE publications for added exposure. SAGE WEBSITE RESOURCES PAGE & BLOG ADS SAGE WEBSITE RESOURCES BANNER Grow your brand recognition through thousands of impressions each month with a SAGE Website Resources Banner. This large ad across the top of the SAGE resources page will be visible to every distributor as they register for upcoming webinars, view product cheat sheets, guides, and more. There are 5 spots available each month. SAGE BLOG ADS Supplier Spotlight Blog $2,500 USD per month Our staff will chat with you one-on-one and create an exclusive article highlighting your products and business! This distinctive advertising opportunity is only available to one supplier per month. Suppliers can also provide a banner ad to be displayed above their spotlight. New Supplier Spotlight Product Blog $500 USD per month Promote your brand and products on the SAGE Blog with a new supplier product spotlight. Feature your logo, a brief message, one product, and a website link. Only 6 spots available monthly. (Must be a new supplier within the last year) Limited availability. Contact your SAGE Account Advisor for more information. VIEW THE SAGE DISTRIBUTOR RESOURCES PAGE AND BLOG PRICING $1,000 USD per month 15 16
SAGE MONTHLY SPECIALS EMAIL The SAGE Monthly Specials email is sent on the last Thursday of every month. This email includes 3 Featured Specials at the top and Standard Specials below broken down into categories to make it easier for distributors to see your promotion at a glance. The SAGE Monthly Specials email is sent to over 38,500 industry distributors and their teams. Featured Specials Standard Specials MONTHLY HOT PRODUCTS EMAIL The SAGE Monthly Hot Products email is sent on the second Wednesday of each month and includes up to 21 spots for you to include your hot product promotion for that month. This opportunity does not require a theme or special and allows you to promote your new or timely products or deals. The SAGE Monthly Hot Products email is sent to over 77,000 industry distributors and their teams. BENEFITS • SAGE Monthly Specials email is sent to over 35,000 distributors monthly • Only 3 Featured Specials at the top so your ad is more prominent • There are 15 Standard Specials spots per Monthly Specials email • The email links back to the Specials page where they can see your full flyer and go to your website • There is no limit to how many specials you can sign up for so you can run a new one each month PRICING Featured Special $1,250 USD Highlight your flyer at the top of our email and website! Get a full 8.5 x 11 spot to showcase your sale or promotion. Monthly specials will be linked in emails and expandable in the Specials gallery. Your flyer will also link from the Specials page to your chosen website. Standard Special $750 USD Your flyer is easily categorized in our Specials email for easy recognition. Display your full 8.5 x 11 flyer on the website. Monthly specials will be linked from emails to our Specials gallery. Distributors can expand the flyer for a full-frame view and access one link to your chosen website. BENEFITS • Only 3 Featured Videos at the top so your ad is more prominent (only 4 available per supplier/per year) • There are 18 Hot Product Flyer spots per Monthly Hot Products email • SAGE Monthly Hot Products email is sent to over 77,000 industry distributors monthly • The email links back to the Hot Products page where distributors can view your full flyer and go to your website • There is no limit to how many flyer spots you can sign up for so you can run a new one each month PRICING Hot Product Featured Video $2,000 USD The featured video thumbnail is placed prominently above the fold. Thumbnails will be linked from emails to the Hot Products website gallery, where distributors can watch the full version of your video. Limited to just 3 spots per month, this is a sought-after opportunity. Hot Product Flyer $1,000 USD Maximize your promotion's impact with this opportunity. A concise description in the email blast grabs distributors' attention. Display your full 8.5 x 11 flyer on the website for added exposure. Promotions will be linked from the email to the Hot Products website gallery, allowing distributors to view your flyer and visit your chosen webpage effortlessly. 17 18
SAGE QUARTERLY CUSTOMER UPDATE BENEFITS • Links to the webpage of your choice • Unique opportunity to advertise alongside exclusive content • Visible in SAGE Online, SAGE Web, and SAGE Mobile for three months The SAGE Customer Update e-Newsletter is sent to over 45,000 distributors and salespeople each quarter. It is filled with timely SAGE content including announcements, upcoming events, recent highlights, and new resources to help them expand their product and industry knowledge. This email is the perfect way to increase your brand awareness and grow your business by advertising alongside these valuable assets. SAGE STATS IN 60 SECONDS BENEFITS • Reach over 76,000 industry distributors and their teams • Links to the webpage of your choice The SAGE Stats in 60 Seconds email is sent to industry distributors and their teams each month. It includes significant statistical information compiled from the SAGE database such as product category changes, the top 10 product categories, the top 5 products, and the top SAGE blogs viewed in the previous month. This is a unique opportunity to advertise in SAGE’s most popular email alongside exclusive stat-driven content distributors are looking for each month. The SAGE Customer Update e-Newsletter is sent to over 45,000 distributors and salespeople each quarter. Reach over 76,000 industry distributors and their teams with the SAGE Stats in 60 Seconds email. PRICING Banner Ad $2,000 USD This ad is displayed for readers to see right when they open the email. There is only one available per quarter. Tile Ads $1,000 USD Tile ads are prominently displayed to grab readers’ attention as they scroll through each section. There are three tile ad spots available per quarter. PRICING Banner Ad $2,500 USD This ad is displayed for readers to see right when they open the email. There is only one available per month. Tile Ads $1,500 USD Tile ads are prominently displayed to grab readers’ attention as they scroll through each section. There are three tile ad spots available per month. 19 20
SAGE MONTHLY TRENDS ADS The SAGE Monthly Trends email is sent to over 76,000 industry distributors and their teams. SAGE MONTHLY TRENDS TOP 10 PRODUCTS The top 10 product themes are timely and relevant to what distributors search for most during that month. 2025 THEMES January: Tradeshows February: Eco-Conscious March: Health & Fitness April: Summer Fun May: Totally Custom June: Sports July: Education & School Spirit August: New Products September: Holiday October: Corporate Gifts November: Budget Friendly December: Made in USA The SAGE Monthly Trends email is a monthly email sent to over 77,000 industry distributors and their teams. It is bursting with marketing tips, industry trends and statistics, and inspirational content, as well as shareable content to help distributors promote themselves and educate their clients. This email is the perfect way to market your brand as a trendsetter by advertising alongside the most innovative products and news. PRICING Spotlight Video or Product of the Month $3,000 USD This is a unique opportunity for suppliers to advertise a product through video. Displayed at the very top of the email, this spot ensures a great impact on every reader. Banner Ad $2,000 USD This ad is prominently displayed for readers to see when they open the email. There is only one available per month. Tile Ad $1,000 USD Tile ads are prominently displayed to grab readers' attention as they scroll through each article. There are two tile ad spots available per month. Incorporate your product in the Top 10 Featured Products included in each Monthly Trends email. Your product will link to the URL of your choice. Contact your SAGE Account Advisor to reserve your spot! PRICING $1,000 USD per product (limited to one product per company, per month) BENEFITS • Links to webpage of your choice • Unique opportunity to advertise alongside exclusive content • Visible in SAGE Online, SAGE Web, and SAGE Mobile for three months 21 22
SAGE DISTRIBUTOR EMAIL CAMPAIGNS Featured Spot Product Spot DISTRIBUTOR WEBSITE SPONSORED PRODUCT Distributors send these email campaigns to an average of 89,000 end buyers each month! Search Result Sponsored Product Homepage Spotlight Product January: Promo Essentials Tradeshows, Events & Conferences February: Fresh Ideas Healthy Living March: Under $10.00 On the Go & Travel April: Promo A to Z Outdoor Hobbies May: Popular & Trending Summer Fun June: Boost Your Brand Back to School 2025 THEMES July: Must Haves Sports & Tailgating August: Wearables Fall & Winter September: Best Sellers Holiday Gifts October: Let's Celebrate Corporate Gifts November: Corporate Branding Awards & Recognition December: Budget Friendly Made in USA Your products may appear on over 8,900 websites. Feature your exclusive products* in the monthly pre-designed email templates available for distributors to send to their customers. Choose either a product spot or a featured spot. A product spot is one of the 12 recommended products, which goes along with the theme for that month. A featured spot is an exclusive product ad placement at the top of the email. PRICING Product Spot $750 USD per month Featured Spot $1,250 USD per month (only three featured spots available per month) PRICING 3 cents per impression Your sponsored product will stand out on the search results page and may appear in the brandnew curated product collections included in SAGE Websites to give end-buyers fresh inspiration for their promotional needs. Plus, your product will also appear on the most visited page of all SAGE Websites – the homepage - as a spotlight product! BENEFITS • Places your sponsored product on the top of the search results page of distributors' SAGE Websites (up to 4 displayed at one time) • Your product will appear as a spotlight product on the homepage of distributors' SAGE Websites • Only pay when your sponsored product is viewed • No need for artwork – your product information is taken directly from the SAGE database • Set your maximum spend per month • Change product or budget as often as desired in the SAGE Supplier Center • Track real-time ad views and clicks in the SAGE Supplier Center *Individual item numbers are limited to one use per year. 23 24
Send your clients your catalog in just seconds! SAGE FLIP CATALOGS™ READY-TO-GO END-BUYER CATALOGS SAGE offers 5 themed digital catalogs that are designed specifically for distributors as an idea book to send to their customers who are making marketing and promotional decisions. These catalogs are visible in SAGE Online and can be sent as a digital flipbook with the click of a mouse or even printed and distributed by including them in your existing orders or as a leave behind during sales visits. The annual themes will be available starting January 1, 2025 for distributors to send digitally or order and will be cross promoted in SAGE email marketing for the duration of the year. Each quarterly theme will be released at the start of that quarter and will be cross promoted in SAGE email marketing once the catalog is released. Each theme includes up to 60 products, with 2 products per page and 4 exclusive product pages. And the best part is, no artwork is required, your product information will be pulled from the SAGE database. 2025 ANNUAL THEMES • Promo A to Z • Budget Friendly 2025 QUARTERLY THEMES • Q2 Timely Ideas: Spring & Summer • Q3 Timely Ideas: Fall & Winter • Q4 Timely Ideas: Holiday, Gifts, Awards and More PRICING Individual Product $295 USD per product Feature your individual product in a specific themed catalog. Your product image and pricing will be pulled directly from the SAGE database with a short description written by SAGE’s talented copywriters. Exclusive Product Page $1,000 USD per page Stand out with this exclusive opportunity and feature your individual product on a page of its own in a specific themed catalog. Your product image and pricing will be pulled directly from the SAGE database with a short description written by SAGE’s talented copywriters. Wouldn't it be nice if you could instantly send your distributors an eco-friendly, electronic flip-through catalog at the touch of a button? With the SAGE Flip Catalog™, you can! At the click of a mouse, readers can delve into your virtual catalog, putting them in control of the 3-D turning page animation as if they had a real copy in front of them. BENEFITS • Drives traffic to your website to increase your company’s exposure • Saves money and resources that would otherwise be spent on printing • Unlike a print catalog, SAGE Flip Catalogs™ are searchable by keyword, page number, etc., so readers can quickly find exactly what they’re looking for • Readers can download as a PDF file so they always have a copy on hand • Print or email the entire document or just certain pages to share with anyone, anywhere PRICING $95 USD per catalog 25 26
SAGE WEBSITE STANDARD Quickly establish your web presence with SAGE Website Standard. Make your business accessible 24/7 to clients and prospects. Our solution includes a product search, e-commerce capabilities, and real-time product information from the SAGE database. Engage clients with the SAGE Virtual Design Studio for creating virtual samples. SAGE WEBSITE PROFESSIONAL With more customization options than ever, SAGE Website Professional features an easy-to-use content management system so you’ll have more freedom over how you want your website to look. You can add blogs, featured video and testimonial sections to keep your site fresh, as well as create an unlimited number of custom pages. You can also enable the new artwork upload page and online bill pay page to save you and your clients valuable time and effort. SAGE Websites *Additional charges apply for setting up a new domain through SAGE Domain Registration. Contact SAGE for pricing details. For live examples and a listing of all the features in SAGE Websites, visit GENERAL FEATURES SAGE WEBSITE STANDARD SAGE WEBSITE PROFESSIONAL Web hosting included Initial site setup included Use your own domain name Responsive designs for flawless viewing on any device Email addresses Secure checkout Full site SSL Website maintenance and updates throughout the year SAGE Website Design Specialist at your service Live chat with website visitors PRODUCT SEARCH AND E-COMMERCE FEATURES Website populated with all products from SAGE database Virtual sampling through the SAGE Virtual Design Studio DESIGN & CONTENT CUSTOMIZATION FEATURES Add your logo, change your font, color, and graphics Rich text editor for easy design work Quickly and easily rearrange homepage content Build your own additional webpages Upload images, PDF files, and other files to the File Library Bill Pay page (through SAGE Payment Processing) Featured video and testimonial area on your homepage Blog area to easily post articles PRICING $103 monthly or $1,035 yearly CAD $168 monthly or $1,685 yearly CAD 0 10 Up to 2 pages Unlimited Up to 10 files Unlimited No time to set up & maintain your website? We'll take care of it! WEB DESIGN SERVICES INCLUDE: • Adding your logo • Configuring your layout style • Adjusting site colors and fonts to match your brand • Updating text and pictures on all site pages • Maintaining navigation elements • Updating staff directory, profiles, news, and events • Configuring links • Annual complete site overhaul and tune-up We take care of your website set-up and maintenance so you can focus on other priorities. Our expert team becomes your dedicated website specialists, ensuring a hassle-free experience with our user-friendly web tools. WEB DESIGN SERVICES 27 28
SAGE VIRTUAL DESIGN STUDIO Virtual Design Studio integrates seamlessly with your website and allows visual references of your client's logo on a product. CAPTURE MORE TRADESHOW LEADS WITH SAGE SHOWLINK Nearly 80 percent of leads generated on the tradeshow floor go unfulfilled. By using SAGE ShowLink, the lead retrieval service designed specifically for the promotional products industry, you’ll improve the ease and accuracy of your follow-up process, thus increasing your return on investment at events. BENEFITS • Can be used at most industry shows with barcoded badges (or any show using the included business card scanner) • Simple scanning via your device’s camera • Pull products from the SAGE database directly into software for easier keying • Scan from multiple devices in your booth at once for optimum efficiency • Each record can be reviewed, modified, or deleted in real time or even after the attendee has left your booth • Easily take and attach photos, and type in notes for each lead so you remember when following up • Highly customizable with custom qualifiers so you’re in control of your data • Leaves less room for human error so lead information is more accurate • Can be used offline, so you don’t need electricity or internet at your booth to use ShowLink • Lead information is available right after the show on, so leads can be followed up with immediately • Automatic distributor feature, which tells the supplier if the attendee is a verified distributor in the SAGE database PRICING SAGE ShowLink $645 CAD per year for 2 device licenses $125 CAD per each additional license The SAGE Virtual Design Studio is the most advanced in the industry. It integrates seamlessly with your website and allows your clients to add logos to products on your website to get a better picture of what the finished product will look like. Add the SAGE Virtual Design Studio to your website to enable your clients to be self-sufficient, thus saving your company time and money! BENEFITS PRICING Included with SAGE Websites Seamlessly added to your existing website $103 monthly or $1,035 yearly CAD • The SAGE Virtual Design Studio is on your website, so you can use it as a presentation tool anywhere you have access to the web • With multiple product image support, you can feature different color options and views of your products • No more wasting time and money trying to get an imprint just right • This value-added tool will provide promotional product distributors a competitive advantage by allowing them to produce a wide variety of artwork in a time-efficient manner • Pre-defined logo placement so the logo will appear exactly in the imprinted location Jan 21 2025 Brian P. 29 30
800.925.7243 Phone • 214.631.2323 Fax • © 2025 Quick Technologies Inc. 1/1/2025 Prices and specifications subject to change at any time without notice.