Top 10 Website Trends

Case Studies TREND # 1 The truth is that case studies are, and continue to be, incredibly effective. They help to attract new customers, cement trust, and increase conversions. Case studies allow you to show potential customers what you have done. Don’t just tell them about it; that isn’t enough, show them! Case studies are a perfect way for you to tell a story about your brand and how you’ve helped others. Recommendations do work. 92% of people will trust a recommendation from a peer and 70% trust recommendations even if they’re from somebody they don’t know. Source: Nielsen What to include in a case study 1. Compelling subject matter Choose your best projects and accomplishments to showcase on your website. 2. Industry-specific You want clients and potential clients to see themselves in your story. Don’t be too broad. 3. The problem Case studies need to have a solution to a problem. 4. Solid evidence What numbers and data do you have to back up the success of your case study. 5. Good images Include some high-quality photos (or video) of your campaign in your case study. 6. Testimonial Include a quote or testimonial from your happy customer. Make sure to also receive permission from your customer to highlight their campaign on your website and to mention them by name.